[SOLVED] Problem to load HEX file to PICkit 2 Programer

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The most likely reason is something on your board is loading down the signals from the Pickit 2. It probably can't reach the required voltage levels or timing because other components are preventng them being reached.

Please keep the wires from the Pickit as short as possible and tell us how you have it connected to the PIC you are programming.


This is how I connected PIC to PICkit 2 Programer.

For your info, the first PIC is new too,just get from the shop. :sad:
I try it over and over again.
Lastly, I bought new PIC and replace it.
Thanks all. Problem solved.

Before Programming Try to check Supply, ground & other connection if u fresh start because due to this IC may get damage. Avoid reverse insertion of IC

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