Problem on RB0 interrupt in HT-PICC

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Member level 5
Jan 25, 2005
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picc interrupt

Hi guys.
I've problem on RB0 interrupt in HT-PICC.I use the PICC "interruptDemo" sample.

static void interrupt
if(INTF) {
INTF = 0;

But mplab says:
Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 364 : multiply defined symbol "int_func"

Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 387 : multiply defined symbol "saved_w"

Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 393 : multiply defined symbol "int_restore"

Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 402 : multiply defined symbol "int_entry"

Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 408 : multiply defined symbol "saved_status"

Error[845] C:\DOCUME~1\Arash\LOCALS~1\Temp\s7o. 411 : multiply defined symbol "saved_pclath"

I culdent find even one "saved_w" but it says "multiply defined symbol"

Whats my wrong?

rb0 interrupt

Is this your only interrupt routine? Perhaps you have more than one interrupt routines and compiler complains about it... post your complete code.

multiply defined symbol int_func

It looks like you are adding twice some file wich contains that symbols definitions
I dont really sure where is the problem its hard to know only with that info.
but if you..
create a new project,
select a pic16f877 in the config menu,
select language toolsuite, (with correct path),
create a new file paste this code:

#include <pic.h>
static bit RELAY @ (unsigned)&PORTB*8+7;
static unsigned int relay_timer;
void main(void)
RELAY = 1; // ensure relay is off before enabling output
TRISB = 0x3F; // Port B bits 7 and 6 are output
T0CS = 0; // Timer increments on instruction clock
T0IE = 1; // Enable interrupt on TMR0 overflow
INTEDG = 0; // falling edge trigger the interrupt
INTE = 1; // enable the external interrupt
GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable
CLRWDT(); // Idly kick the dog
static void interrupt
TMR0 -= 250;
T0IF = 0;
if(relay_timer != 0)
if(relay_timer == 0)
RELAY = 1;
PORTB ^= 0x40;
RELAY = 0;
relay_timer = 4000;
INTF = 0;

and save it like mainname.c where the project.mcw resides,
and set the build options in the menu:
project->build options->project like the picture
and add the mainname.c file to the sources int the project.mcw window
if you click Build All icon, you shouldnt have any problem, if yes maybe the problem is in the compiler.:?:
hope this helps..
sorry if this looks like dummies kind, all it's for avoid errors

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