#include <p16F1828.inc>
cblock 0x20
Delay1 ;Define two file registers for the
Delay2 ; delay loop endc
org 0
banksel TRISC
bcf TRISC,0 ; make IO Pin B.0 an output
movlw b'01101010' ;set osc
banksel OSCCON
movwf OSCCON ;configure OSCCON register
bsf PORTC,0 ; turn on LED C0
decfsz Delay1,f ; Waste time.
goto OndelayLoop ; The Inner loop takes 3 instructions per loop * 256 loopss = 768 instructions
decfsz Delay2,f ; The outer loop takes and additional 3 instructions per lap * 256 loops
goto OndelayLoop ; (768+3) * 256 = 197376 instructions / 1M instructions per second = 0.197 sec. ; call it a two-tenths of a second.
bcf PORTC,0 ; Turn off LED C0
decfsz Delay1,f ; same delay as above goto OffDelayLoop
decfsz Delay2,f
goto OffDelayLoop
goto MainLoop ; Do it again...