I have written a matlab code and after that I used the hdl coder so as to convert my matlab code to vhdl code. Then I used the Quartus so as to run the vhdl code which had been produced by the hdl coder. The problem is that the waveforms in quartus showed that my output gave zero results and it did not produced the exprected results. I did some tests and I found that probably the problem was that in the matlab code there is an array as a variable in the denominator of a division and particularly it had the following form:
for i=1:m
for j=1:m
where result is an array whose elements were produced by some equations which contained in the matlab code.
Also I used the equation S=round(10000*S); so as to take integer and not continuous values in the output of my code.
Does anyone know what to do in the matlab code so as to take the expected results in the output and why I did not take results in Quartus?
Please help me. If you want more specific information about my matlab code, please tell me and I will reply you.
If it is needed I can submit my whole matlab code.
I wait for your replies. Thank you very much in advance.