Problem in Pyxis - Schematic Mentor Tool

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Newbie level 6
Feb 28, 2007
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When I am in simulation mode, I can't open the netlist, simulation log, commands or any text file from the GUI of the tool without an error or warning message.

Is that a missed java library ? if yes how can I know it.



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Which version of Pyxis Schematic are you using? If it is 10.2, it could be that you do not have MGC_SIM_EDITOR set correctly. The procedure below may rectify your problem. If not, what version of the tool are you using?

Here's how you set the default text editor for Simulation Mode. Note that the default text editor for simulation mode is Notepad. All log files mentioned in the View Log File Submenu, except for the Netlist Log, can be opened in the AMS Results Browser. The Netlist log opens up only in Notepad. The priority for the text editor that displays the log files (except the Netlist log) is as follows:
• The default editor specified by MGC_SIM_EDITOR.
• The AMS Results Browser — Opens the log files in a tabbed use model. Automatically reloads log files when the simulation settings are updated.
• The Notepad editor — Only editor that displays Netlist log files. Other log files are displayed when the MGC_AMS_HOME is not set appropriately or when the
MGC_SIM_EDITOR has not been set to a different text editor.

1. Remember to change the default text editor by setting the environment variable MGC_SIM_EDITOR before invoking Pyxis Project Manager.
Consider the following example setting for the default text editor:
MGC_SIM_EDITOR = xterm -e vi

For the above setting, Pyxis Schematic opens Vi in an Xterm window whenever the editor is invoked in simulation mode.
Note: The editor you choose must be capable of opening its own Xterm window, and the invoke command must contain command options to open the window.

2. To change the default text editor to the AMS Results Browser:
a. Make sure you have the AMS tree installed and running.
b. Set your MGC_SIM_EDITOR variable to the amsrb location.

Thanks a lot , it works fine now after setting MGC_SIM_EDITOR.
I have another issue with terminating the simulation, when I click on "Terminate" to stop simulation, it changes to "RUN ELDO" as expected but actually the simulation is not terminated and worked on the background. so if I want to stop it, I should go to a terminal and kill the process from "top" command.

So why the "Terminate" button doesn't stop the simulation? My Pyxis schematic version is 10.2

You are right - this known issue has been corrected in v10.3 Pyxis Schematic.

In v10.2, Pyxis Schematic's Simulation Mode was not checking the termination status after sending Eldo the kill signal. There was a common error for the simulation process control code for Eldo (both pre-v10.2 and post) and AMS, and that error has now been fixed in both places in v10.3.

So is there a way to fix this issue in the current version v10.2 ?

No, there isn't a fix in v10.2.

If your company needs a patched version of 10.2 with the fix, they can contact Pyxis Marketing directly. Please let me know if you need the contact number.

hi, i just installed the Mentor Graphics Pyxis tool, not sure it shares the licence of Calibre or not. Can you tell me what's the command to start the GUI of the tool from terminal?

Pyxis does NOT share the same license as Calibre. If you already have a licensed version of a Pyxis application, here are the commands to invoke it:
- Pyxis Layout (back-end tool): ic
- Pyxis Schematic (front-end tool): da_ic
- Pyxis Project Manager (project management tool): dmgr_ic

Recommendation: Launch Pyxis Project Manager, which is the cockpit for both the front and back-end tools so it sets up all the location maps when you invoke the corresponding tools for a layout or schematic cell.

For other tool-related questions, use the Help menu option for accessing the documentation.
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Thank you!
i can only invoke the project manager with dmgr_ic. the layout and schematic can't invoke, it says "License request for icarch feature failed,License request for Pyxis Schematic failed" and " License request for icgraph feature failed".
another question: when i set the MGC_HOME in .bashrc, it contradicts to the Calibre. but seems both need to be defined as MGC_HOME

for Pyxis
for Calibre

do you know how to solve that? Really appreciated!

Use the CALIBRE_HOME environment variable to specify the path to the desired Calibre installation.
NOTE: Pyxis and Calibre cannot be installed in a single MGC_HOME tree.

- - - Updated - - -

Do you want someone from Pyxis Marketing or CSD to contact you about the license issue?

Thank you, anju_prakash!
We are considering to buy Pyxis license if it's not too expensive. why CSD contact? I think Pyxis has nothing to do with Cadence, it's Mentor Graphics, right?

Sorry, I should have been more specific. By CSD, I meant the Customer Service Department, and yes, it is the Mentor Graphics Customer Service I was referring to.

Sorry, I should have been more specific. By CSD, I meant the Customer Service Department, and yes, it is the Mentor Graphics Customer Service I was referring to.

that's my bad. Is Pyxis very popular this days? I want it for silicon photonics layout

Hi. I wanna ask you how to set the MGC_SIM_EDITOR. I ONLY have the cshell script. Do you have the .bashrc?
And when I built a rc circuit, and try to run simulation, the transcript area shows that the simulator not set up or installed. I don't what to do. Please help me ASAP.

MGC_SIM_EDITOR is an environment variable. You can set it in your shell before invoking Pyxis, or in the shell script. Syntax depends on what shell you are using.

There are some examples in the Pyxis Schematic User's Manual.

Thanks. Actually, I figured it out. The lab technician didn't install the eldo. Now every time, I use I need to run eldo first. Then the simulation can work.

Hiee,, i am new to pyxis tool. can you help me how to calculate gain and phase margins in pyxis tool. or if you have any tutorial please upload it.
Thanks in advance


If you are using a licensed version of Pyxis Schematic and have also installed Eldo, you should be able to have access to the User's Manuals for both the tools.

You can extract the gain and phase results in Pyxis Schematic using the Setup Simulation Dialog Box (Measures Panel). Pyxis Schematic automatically launches the EZwave tool to perform any waveform calculations. The Eldo User's Manual also has multiple examples for extracting gain and phase measurements.

Within Pyxis Schematic, select the pulldown menu option Help > Open User's Manual for the Pyxis Schematic User's Manual.

Hi, do you know what is the problem of starting Pyxis layout ? Seems not the license problem.

can anybody give me a hint about how to create a tree in Pyxis project Navigator and how to setup the PDK?
Really appreciate!

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