Problem in initialization of SDHC card

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Feb 4, 2010
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Karachi, Pakistan
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My code works fine SD card < 2GB. but when i use SDHC (>2GB) , it gives error in initialization.

Here is the code:

static WORD spiSD_Init(WORD j)
BYTE i, Y= 0xFF; 

SetBit(SPI_CS_PORT, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                   // SPI CS pin: inactive
ClrBit(SPI_CS_ODP, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                    //           : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_CS_DP, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                     //           : output

SetBit(SPI_DATAOUT_PORT, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                         // SPI MTSR: 1
ClrBit(SPI_DATAOUT_ODP, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                          //         : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_DATAOUT_DP, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                           //         : output

SetBit(SPI_CLK_PORT, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                 // SPI SCLK: 1
ClrBit(SPI_CLK_ODP, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                  //         : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_CLK_DP, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                   //         : output

SetBit(SPI_DATAIN_PORT, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                           // SPI MRST: 1
SetBit(SPI_DATAIN_ODP, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                            // 1: open drain, does not matter
ClrBit(SPI_DATAIN_DP, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                             //         : input


// make sure to have '1' at the line
for ( i= 0; i< 10; i++ )
    spiSD_Write((BYTE *)&Y, 1); 


There's no change in initial reset for high capacity SD cards (SDHC). The differences are in succeeding command sequence.

There's no change in initial reset for high capacity SD cards (SDHC). The differences are in succeeding command sequence.

Yup, I have gone through the this before.
My Init() routine doesn't send any commands, but only some pulses.
I modified it to this:

static WORD spiSD_Init(WORD j)
BYTE i, Y= 0xFF;
BYTE idle[6] = {0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x95};
unsigned int retry;

SetBit(SPI_CS_PORT, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                   // SPI CS pin: inactive
ClrBit(SPI_CS_ODP, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                    //           : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_CS_DP, SPI_CS_PIN);                                                                     //           : output

SetBit(SPI_DATAOUT_PORT, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                         // SPI MTSR: 1
ClrBit(SPI_DATAOUT_ODP, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                          //         : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_DATAOUT_DP, SPI_DATAOUT_PIN);                                                           //         : output

SetBit(SPI_CLK_PORT, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                 // SPI SCLK: 1
ClrBit(SPI_CLK_ODP, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                  //         : push/pull mode
SetBit(SPI_CLK_DP, SPI_CLK_PIN);                                                                   //         : output

SetBit(SPI_DATAIN_PORT, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                           // SPI MRST: 1
SetBit(SPI_DATAIN_ODP, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                            // 1: open drain, does not matter
ClrBit(SPI_DATAIN_DP, SPI_DATAIN_PIN);                                                             //         : input


// make sure to have '1' at the line
for ( i= 0; i< 10; i++ )
    spiSD_Write((BYTE *)&Y, 1); 
//sprintf(cTextOutput, "Ver: %s Build: %s %s\r\n", FirmwareVersion, __DATE__, __TIME__);
//LowLevelDebug_SerialPrintStr(cTextOutput, strlen(cTextOutput));
	if(retry++ > 150) break;
	}while(response != 0x01);
if (response != 0x01)
	sprintf(cTextOutput, "IDLE State Error : %d\n\r",response);
	sprintf(cTextOutput," IDLE State Successful");

It should return 0x01 but it returns 0xFF but still my 256 MB card works but 4 GB doesn't.


I have the same problem. The SDHC card response is 0xff ,and not 0x01. I am using microchip application library v1.4.2 . The SPI working fine.

Could anyone solve this?

I am using microchip application library v1.4.2
I presume, you are talking about MDD v1.4.2, there's no MHCP application library version number.

MDD is generally working fine with SDHC. To analyze your problem in details, you would want to mention the actual hardware target. I also think that MCHP forum is the appropriate place to discuss the problem, at least there's a good chance to meet people using MDD with the same processor target.

As another point, SDHC failure isn't necessarily a software problem. SDHC controllers are often using faster chip technology than standard cards and thus more sensitive to signal integrity issues, e.g. ringing SPI clock.
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I am using PIC24fj128ga010 micro controller. I have a pick tail board with me. The circuit actually used for sd card which works fine. I used transcend 4 gb sdhc card.I just want to create a file in sd card.

I hope you can help me. I posted the issue in mchp forum and expecting reply.

Thank you

Hi FvM,

I have the same problem. The 4gb SDHC card response is 0xff ,and not 0x01. I am using m16c microcontroller . The SPI working fine.But now I am follow the your flow chart 4gb SDHC card response is 0x01,but in getbootsector data function the mbr signature value is not matched.

Could you solve this?

Thanks in advanced

There are many known working SD card libraries supporting SDHC, e.g. FATFS being the most popular. I'm sure you can solve the problem by either importing the libraries or reviewing the code.

I see that one point related to SDHC hasn't been mentioned in this thread. Besides different initialization sequence, there's a different addressing scheme in read/write commands. The address is counting blocks instead of bytes.

Hi Fvm,
thanks for replying me.small doubt what is the need of CMD8 command.i could not apply this command in my code that's why I got the error message in get bootsector data function.Mean the value not equal to trailing signature(0xAA55).this is wrong or right?explain please

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