problem in executing on bread board but works on proteus..plz help guys..

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Newbie level 3
Sep 27, 2011
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i need some help here.......need to interface adc 0804 and lcd with 89c51 have done it on proteus and is working but the result on bread board is not the same......
i am adding the image of the circuit diagram...plz tell me wht to do.....?????


That's a pretty broad question. Here's a broad answer. Check your software. Check your wiring. (I don't know what proteus is)

but is the circuit all right.......or is something missing from the circuit diagram??????

At the very least you could mention what happens with the circuit.. Why should people bother to help you when you can't even be bothered to type in a decent description of the problem you're having?

ok...letme explain...i made the circuit in proteus it takes input from the vin+ pin of adc 0804 then the data goes to 89c51 micro controller ...this micro controller is then connected to the LCD..... i did the programming using keil compiler.....its working in the simulation.....while i am doin it on the bread board i am not getting the display on the lcd....just the backlight and initial boxes are displayed......LCD is jhd162a......
i did the connection exactly as shown.....

Your hardware display uses ks0066 driver, are you sure that the proteus model uses the same chip and that you have used the correct LCD code?
Also double check the LCD connections.


Make sure you're initialising the LCD correctly as well.

yes i did the initialization correctly......
and also i double checked the wiring

I think you should complete reset circuit of your micro controller ( pin9).
If you don't have a good wiring for reset pin therefor you don't expect that your circuit work properly.
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hi. if your simulation is working can you please help me ? i wrote the code and controlling adc0804 with variable resistor. data is converting because when i change the value the bits of adc changes, data pins of adc are connected to p2 of 89c51 i need to transfer the data from p2 to p3 but its not happening. i used the following command for taking data from p2 and move it to p3
mov A,p2
mov p3,A

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