[SOLVED] Problem in Executing FSformat command in MDD Library of Microchip??

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Jul 5, 2011
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Just experimenting with Microchip Application Library for MDD File System SD Card..

I am using Proteus and PIC18F8722 Micro-Controller.

Created a file and write some text in that file..
all works properly without any problem.

But FSformat command is creating problem..

Here is my Main Code:-
#include "FSIO.h"

/************Configuration Bits*************/
#pragma config OSC=HSPLL
#pragma config FCMEN=OFF
#pragma config IESO=OFF
#pragma config PWRT=OFF
#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config LVP=OFF
#pragma config XINST=OFF

/*************Pin Configuraion**************/
/*************For MMC Interface*************/
//	Chip Select is Connected to RB3_Pin
//	Clock is Connected to RC3_Pin
//	Serial Data Out is Connected to RC4_Pin
//	Serial Data In is Connected to RC5_Pin

//For Connection see HardwareProfile.h Header file

#define LED1 PORTDbits.RD0
#define LED2 PORTDbits.RD1
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0


void main()
	//FSFILE *MyFile;
	unsigned char text[] = "Hello!! This is Arun Sharma";
	unsigned char VolName[] = "ARUN";
	TRISD = 0x00;
	PORTD = 0x00;
	ADCON1 = 0x0F;	//All pins to Digital Input Output
	LED1 = ON;
	LED2 = OFF;
	//while (!MDD_MediaDetect());
	// Initialize the library
	//while (!FSInit());

	FSformat(0, 0x11223344, VolName);
	LED1 = OFF;
	LED2 = ON;
	/*//Set the data and time Values
	SetClockVars(2012, 12, 8, 10, 35, 5);
	//Create a New File Called ARUN.TXT	
	MyFile = FSfopenpgm("ARUN.TXT", "w+");
	//Write Message to File
	//Close the File

The code which is commented out is working properly, but when i am trying to use format command it is not working.

MPLAB is giving error upon compilation

Error - could not find definition of symbol 'FSformat' in file 'Object - MDD File System-SD Card\My_Main.o'.

Please help

I had uploaded the contents if my_main.c

Do you want me to upload mymain.o
the output.
I think it will not be available.
As my project doesnt build successfully..

Will upload if it us there..

OK. I got it. You cannot use FSformat() like
 FSformat(0, 0x11223344, VolName);
The function prototype of FSFormat is like this
 int FSformat (char mode, long int serialNumber, char * volumeID);
So, you have to have a int variable like retVal and assign the FSFormat() function to it like
 retVal = FSformat (mode, serialNumber, volumeID);
Last edited:

I am confused, because in C language if some function returns some value.
Then it is not necessary to type what u are saying.

and the function which i used like


//Close the File

also returns some value but i didn't store their value in any variable.

And i modified the code as u had told me..

But still same error occurs.

#include "FSIO.h"

/************Configuration Bits*************/
#pragma config OSC=HSPLL
#pragma config FCMEN=OFF
#pragma config IESO=OFF
#pragma config PWRT=OFF
#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config LVP=OFF
#pragma config XINST=OFF

/*************Pin Configuraion**************/
/*************For MMC Interface*************/
//	Chip Select is Connected to RB3_Pin
//	Clock is Connected to RC3_Pin
//	Serial Data Out is Connected to RC4_Pin
//	Serial Data In is Connected to RC5_Pin

//For Connection see HardwareProfile.h Header file

#define LED1 PORTDbits.RD0
#define LED2 PORTDbits.RD1
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define ALLOW_DIRS
void main()
	//FSFILE *MyFile;
	int ret;
	unsigned char text[] = "Hello!! This is Arun Sharma";
	unsigned char VolName[] = "ARUN";
	TRISD = 0x00;
	PORTD = 0x00;
	ADCON1 = 0x0F;	//All pins to Digital Input Output
	LED1 = ON;
	LED2 = OFF;

	//while (!MDD_MediaDetect());
	// Initialize the library
	//while (!FSInit());
	ret = FSformat(0, 0x11223344, VolName);
	LED1 = OFF;
	LED2 = ON;
	/*//Set the data and time Values
	SetClockVars(2012, 12, 8, 10, 35, 5);
	//Create a New File Called ARUN.TXT	
	MyFile = FSfopenpgm("ARUN.TXT", "w+");
	//Write Message to File
	//Close the File

Its looks like that my program is not able to access the function definition of format command..

and i have used all directives like
#define ALLOW_DIRS

So Confused why this happens..
Please help sir...

Most likely the problem is with your FSConfig.h file:

Reference: AN1045 Implementing File I/O Functions Using Microchip’s Memory Disk Drive File System Library, Section: Library Setup, Step 11. Page 9


Enables card formatting function.
Note: Writes must be enabled to use directories

Ensure the following: ALLOW_FORMATS, ALLOW_WRITES and ALLOW_DIRS defines are uncommented in the FSconfig.h header file.

Defining the above in your main.c will have no effect as the compiler directives are processed in the FSIO.h header file before the precompiler reads the #define entries in main.c.

#include "FSIO.h"

/************Configuration Bits*************/
#pragma config OSC=HSPLL
#pragma config FCMEN=OFF
#pragma config IESO=OFF
#pragma config PWRT=OFF
#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config LVP=OFF
#pragma config XINST=OFF

/*************Pin Configuraion**************/
/*************For MMC Interface*************/
//	Chip Select is Connected to RB3_Pin
//	Clock is Connected to RC3_Pin
//	Serial Data Out is Connected to RC4_Pin
//	Serial Data In is Connected to RC5_Pin

//For Connection see HardwareProfile.h Header file

#define LED1 PORTDbits.RD0
#define LED2 PORTDbits.RD1
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
[COLOR="#FF0000"]#define ALLOW_FORMATS
#define ALLOW_DIRS		// These Three #defines Have No Effect, must change in FSconfig.h header file
void main()
	//FSFILE *MyFile;
	int ret;
	unsigned char text[] = "Hello!! This is Arun Sharma";
	unsigned char VolName[] = "ARUN";
	TRISD = 0x00;
	PORTD = 0x00;
	ADCON1 = 0x0F;	//All pins to Digital Input Output
	LED1 = ON;
	LED2 = OFF;

	//while (!MDD_MediaDetect());
	// Initialize the library
	//while (!FSInit());
	ret = FSformat(0, 0x11223344, VolName);
	LED1 = OFF;
	LED2 = ON;
	/*//Set the data and time Values
	SetClockVars(2012, 12, 8, 10, 35, 5);
	//Create a New File Called ARUN.TXT	
	MyFile = FSfopenpgm("ARUN.TXT", "w+");
	//Write Message to File
	//Close the File

 *               Microchip Memory Disk Drive File System
 * FileName:        FSconfig.h
 * Processor:       PIC18/PIC24/dsPIC30/dsPIC33/PIC32
 * Dependencies:    None
 * Compiler:        C18/C30/C32
 * Company:         Microchip Technology, Inc.
 * Version:         1.3.0
 * Software License Agreement
 * The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated
 * (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and
 * supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and
 * exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The
 * software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is
 * protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
 * Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the
 * user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to
 * civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this
 * license.

#ifndef _FS_DEF_

#include "Compiler.h"
#include "HardwareProfile.h"

// Summary: A macro indicating the maximum number of concurrently open files
// Description: The FS_MAX_FILES_OPEN #define is only applicable when dynamic memory allocation is not used (FS_DYNAMIC_MEM is not defined).
//              This macro defines the maximum number of open files at any given time.  The amount of RAM used by FSFILE objects will
//              be equal to the size of an FSFILE object multipled by this macro value.  This value should be kept as small as possible
//              as dictated by the application.  This will reduce memory usage.
#define FS_MAX_FILES_OPEN 	2

// Summary: A macro defining the size of a sector
// Description: The MEDIA_SECTOR_SIZE macro will define the size of a sector on the FAT file system.  This value must equal 512 bytes,
//              1024 bytes, 2048 bytes, or 4096 bytes.  The value of a sector will usually be 512 bytes.
#define MEDIA_SECTOR_SIZE 		512

/* *******************************************************************************************************/
/************** Compiler options to enable/Disable Features based on user's application ******************/
/* *******************************************************************************************************/

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable file search functions.
// Description: The ALLOW_FILESEARCH definition can be commented out to disable file search functions in the library.  This will
//              prevent the use of the FindFirst and FindNext functions and reduce code size.

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable write functionality
// Description: The ALLOW_WRITES definition can be commented out to disable all operations that write to the device.  This will
//              greatly reduce code size.

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable format functionality
// Description: The ALLOW_FORMATS definition can be commented out to disable formatting functionality.  This will prevent the use of
//              the FSformat function.  If formats are enabled, write operations must also be enabled by uncommenting ALLOW_WRITES.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]//#define ALLOW_FORMATS              <-- Must Be Uncommented, Disabled By Default[/COLOR]

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable directory operations.
// Description: The ALLOW_DIRS definition can be commented out to disable all directory functionality.  This will reduce code size.
//              If directories are enabled, write operations must also be enabled by uncommenting ALLOW_WRITES in order to use
//              the FSmkdir or FSrmdir functions.
#define ALLOW_DIRS

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable PIC18 ROM functions.
// Description: The ALLOW_PGMFUNCTIONS definition can be commented out to disable all PIC18 functions that allow the user to pass string
//              arguments in ROM (denoted by the suffix -pgm).  Note that this functionality must be disabled when not using PIC18.

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable the FSfprintf function.
// Description: The ALLOW_FSFPRINTF definition can be commented out to disable the FSfprintf function.  This will save code space.  Note that
//              if FSfprintf is enabled and the PIC18 architecture is used, integer promotions must be enabled in the Project->Build Options
//              menu.  Write operations must be enabled to use FSfprintf.

// Summary: A macro to enable/disable FAT32 support.
// Description: The SUPPORT_FAT32 definition can be commented out to disable support for FAT32 functionality.  This will save a small amount
//              of code space.
#define SUPPORT_FAT32

// Select a method for updating file timestamps

// Summary: A macro to enable RTCC based timestamp generation
// Description: The USEREALTIMECLOCK macro will configure the code to automatically
//              generate timestamp information for files from the RTCC module. The user
//              must enable and configure the RTCC module before creating or modifying
//              files.                                                                 

// Summary: A macro to enable manual timestamp generation
// Description: The USERDEFINEDCLOCK macro will allow the user to manually set
//              timestamp information using the SetClockVars function. The user will
//              need to set the time variables immediately before creating or closing a
//              file or directory.                                                    

// Summary: A macro to enable don't-care timestamp generation
// Description: The INCREMENTTIMESTAMP macro will set the create time of a file to a
//              static value and increment it when a file is updated. This timestamp
//              generation method should only be used in applications where file times
//              are not necessary.                                                    

#ifdef __18CXX
		#error Not all PIC18 devices have a Real-time clock and calander module

	#ifndef __18CXX
		#error The pgm functions are unneccessary when not using PIC18


// Set this preprocessor option to '1' to use dynamic FSFILE object allocation.  It will
// be necessary to allocate a heap when dynamically allocating FSFILE objects.
// Set this option to '0' to use static FSFILE object allocation.

#if 1
    // Summary: A macro indicating that FSFILE objects will be allocated dynamically
    // Description: The FS_DYNAMIC_MEM macro will cause FSFILE objects to be allocated from a dynamic heap.  If it is undefined,
    //              the file objects will be allocated using a static array.
	#ifdef __18CXX
        // Description: Function pointer to a dynamic memory allocation function
		#define FS_malloc	SRAMalloc
        // Description: Function pointer to a dynamic memory free function
		#define FS_free		SRAMfree
		#define FS_malloc	malloc
		#define FS_free		free

#ifdef __18CXX
    /* Define the locations for the dataBuffer and FATbuffer; PLEASE CHECK THE LINKER FILE */
    #define DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS      0x700
    #define FAT_BUFFER_ADDRESS       0x900

// Function definitions
// Associate the physical layer functions with the correct physical layer
#ifdef USE_SD_INTERFACE_WITH_SPI       // SD-SPI.c and .h

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Initialize Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaInitialize     MDD_SDSPI_MediaInitialize

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Detect Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaDetect         MDD_SDSPI_MediaDetect

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorRead          MDD_SDSPI_SectorRead

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorWrite         MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the I/O Initialization Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_InitIO              MDD_SDSPI_InitIO

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Shutdown Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_ShutdownMedia       MDD_SDSPI_ShutdownMedia

    // Description: Function pointer to the Write Protect Check Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_WriteProtectState   MDD_SDSPI_WriteProtectState

    // Description: Function pointer to the Read Capacity Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_ReadCapacity        MDD_SDSPI_ReadCapacity

    // Description: Function pointer to the Read Sector Size Physical Layer Function
    #define MDD_ReadSectorSize      MDD_SDSPI_ReadSectorSize

#elif defined USE_CF_INTERFACE_WITH_PMP       // CF-PMP.c and .h

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Initialize Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaInitialize     MDD_CFPMP_MediaInitialize

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Detect Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaDetect         MDD_CFPMP_MediaDetect

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorRead          MDD_CFPMP_SectorRead

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorWrite         MDD_CFPMP_SectorWrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the I/O Initialization Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_InitIO              MDD_CFPMP_InitIO

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Shutdown Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_ShutdownMedia       MDD_CFPMP_ShutdownMedia

    // Description: Function pointer to the Write Protect Check Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_WriteProtectState   MDD_CFPMP_WriteProtectState

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Wait Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFwait              MDD_CFPMP_CFwait

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFwrite             MDD_CFPMP_CFwrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFread              MDD_CFPMP_CFread

#elif defined USE_MANUAL_CF_INTERFACE         // CF-Bit transaction.c and .h

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Initialize Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaInitialize     MDD_CFBT_MediaInitialize

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Detect Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaDetect         MDD_CFBT_MediaDetect

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorRead          MDD_CFBT_SectorRead

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorWrite         MDD_CFBT_SectorWrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the I/O Initialization Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_InitIO              MDD_CFBT_InitIO

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Shutdown Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_ShutdownMedia       MDD_CFBT_ShutdownMedia

    // Description: Function pointer to the Write Protect Check Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_WriteProtectState   MDD_CFBT_WriteProtectState

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Wait Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFwait              MDD_CFBT_CFwait

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFwrite             MDD_CFBT_CFwrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the CompactFlash Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_CFread              MDD_CFBT_CFread

#elif defined USE_USB_INTERFACE               // USB host MSD library

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Initialize Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaInitialize     USBHostMSDSCSIMediaInitialize

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Detect Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_MediaDetect         USBHostMSDSCSIMediaDetect

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Read Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorRead          USBHostMSDSCSISectorRead

    // Description: Function pointer to the Sector Write Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_SectorWrite         USBHostMSDSCSISectorWrite

    // Description: Function pointer to the I/O Initialization Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_InitIO();              

    // Description: Function pointer to the Media Shutdown Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_ShutdownMedia       USBHostMSDSCSIMediaReset

    // Description: Function pointer to the Write Protect Check Physical Layer function
    #define MDD_WriteProtectState   USBHostMSDSCSIWriteProtectState


Thanks BigDog My Project Compiled Successfully.. you are right..

I Have to change the FsConfig.h file and un-comment the format directive..

Project Build Successfully..

Running Proteus now..
Taking too much time to complete format..
already 2 min with CPU load 100%

Any ways thanks alot..

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks BigDog My Project Compiled Successfully.. you are right..

I Have to change the FsConfig.h file and un-comment the format directive..

Project Build Successfully..

Running Proteus now..
Taking too much time to complete format..
already 2 min with CPU load 100%

Any ways thanks alot..

Running Proteus now..
Taking too much time to complete format..
already 2 min with CPU load 100%

Unfortunately, one of the many drawbacks of simulations.

I'm glad to hear the previous issue was solved.

Unfortunately, one of the many drawbacks of simulations.

I'm glad to hear the previous issue was solved.


Anyways some thing is better than noting..

Thanks BigDog you solve my problem..

Actually i was searching these directives in FSIO.c and FSIO.h while they are in FSconfig.h

Thank you so much

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