[SOLVED] Problem in cross compiler for FriendlyARM Mini2440

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Newbie level 1
Mar 8, 2013
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I have done the following successfully:
1) Installed the Kernel in VirtualBox
2) Upgraded and updated the kernel
3) Installed the arm-linux-gcc 4.3.2 compiler
4) I have written a hello world program and compiled it using the command
#gcc -o hello hello.c
The object file created can be executed in the terminal without any errors. But the same object file when run on FriendlyARM Board mini2440 gives an error as: Error in syntax of line 1
5) I tried to compile the file using the command:
#arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c
But while executing the program on terminal error comes as:
./hello cannot execute binary file
6) I was also successfully able to compile the file with another arm-linux-gcc command which I don't remmeber right now, but it was executing on the computer. But when we tried running it on the bard, we got the same error : Error in syntax of line 1

Please help me!

Personal Computers employs a X86 core processor inside. If you compile a based ARM processor, the executable code generated on compilation will not work if the VBox do not have the same core as the target for emulate.


Thank you! I realized that compiling it with arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2 creates a .bin file which doesn't run on the PC but runs on the board. We gave up hope when it didn't run on the PC.

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