problem in channel interpolation

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Jun 27, 2010
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Alsalam alikom

h r u everybody?? i hope u r all fine

well i have a certain problem concerning channel interpolation,well i use pilots to estimate the channel frequency response then use the results to interpolate them
but the interpolated figure is far away from the real one (which is plotted in red)

please check out this figure

can any one pls help me

---------- Post added at 23:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:23 ----------

i nearly figure it out

i didn't use awgn channel as i only used rayleih channel without adding noise
the figure become more reasonable but not a satisfying one

so any one can help what to use in order to have better channel interpolation??
i used interp1 in matlab,linear interpolation as time interpolation ,and spline one as frequency interpolation

You can use a filter with a "frequency domain impulse response" being a Sinc's main lobe, the sinc's first nulls occur at the location of the neighboring pilot, this is equivalent to ideal low pass filtering in time domain interpolation.

Alsalam alikom

well what all i need is some help from anyone who worked on DVB-T2 standard before.My problem is ,ok i used the LS method to get channel values at the pilots subcarrier then i must use interpolation to get the channel at other subcarriers, so i used linear interpolation for time domain and spline interpolation on freq domain, but when i want to compare between the actual channel and the estimated one, i find a great difference between them as shown in my first post!!!!

or it is better to plot the BER to if i am on the right way or not ??!!!!

so please can any one help me espically if he has an experience in DVB-T2 standard,OFDM part TX and RX
thanks so much in advance

by the way when i look in the standard in channel interpolation part, there is something called Nyquist rate or Nyquist limit , what does it mean ?? and if it is useful, how can i benefit from it in matlab m-file simulation

thanks again:razz::razz:
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