It will for sure doesn't work.
As in digital design, the 7 segment display, are assumed to be all built with the same architecture.
In real hardware, several tests should be done upon it:
Like you should first test it, if it is common anode, or common cathode.
Then you should supply direct voltage, to know each terminal corresponds to wich segment.
You should (after knowing each pin) arrange the port of the MCU according to the test you had made.
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Take a look at this:
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After you know each terminal, corresponds to which segment, based on this, you send a value to the output port you are using, (in the attached figure it is PORTD)
Assuming that the middle segment, goes for terminal "c", and you want to send a "0" character to the output, you place the value of: "1101111" >> meaning that you want to turn the middle segment OFF.
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Since your attachment was invalid, take this schematic into consideration and try to modify the output port to PORTD