[SOLVED] problem driving sim900

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Jan 2, 2015
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i have a problem driving sim900. whenever i turn it on the status and net leds turn on. after some seconds the net light starts to blinking and the status led turns off. after some blinking of the net led, it turns off and the ri led turns on and star on until i turn off the board!

few details needed to help you.
are you testing module with PC or controller attached with it?
Is SIM card is connected good and proper ?
What is the power supply you are using and what it's specification?

few details needed to help you.
are you testing module with PC or controller attached with it?
Is SIM card is connected good and proper ?
What is the power supply you are using and what it's specification?

i am testig with micro controller. the power supply seems not to have problem. i use a switching 3A sullpy that i have tested it under 3.5A. sim card is also connected good. is there any special point in connecting the sim card?

ok detach the micro controller or its board and check the module with the PC using hyper terminal make sure it is working good if so then something wrong with code or the hardware which contains the micro controller.
use a switching 3A sullpy that i have tested it under 3.5A.

I don't know how did you test it?

I think it is problem of network signal. Can you try for some alternate network sim cards? if problem continues then do the testing directly with PC.
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thank you all for your help. i finally found the problem. th problem was with the sim900 chipset itself

Mark this thread as solved...It will reduce so many peoples time to find a solution for a problem.
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