Hi, I have designed a PCB, and I made it, but there is a problem, I used L298 while I connected the L298's EnA to Interrupt port of microcontroller also L298's In1 and In2 to OC1 and OC2. The picture of this schematic is attached.
The question is, is anyway exists to do PWM control of a DC motor? when I made the PCB and it is not possile to change the PCB:sad:
EnA pin of L298 is an INPUT to L298. It enables the 1 and 2 half-bridges. If you connect to the uC's input port, then your system will not work - the line will be left floating causing all sorts of problems.
You need to reconfigure your port pin for EnA to be set High or Low. So just change your s/w to do this.
And yes - of course there several ways to do PWM control of a dc motor, and you can do it without changing your Pcb. Only s/w changes.