problem about wide input voltage

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Newbie level 4
May 19, 2009
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Hi,I have a problem about a DC/DC converter,which need a wide input voltage,nonisolated:input 19~150V,output 19~30V.So the boost and the buck converters are employed in series.Now the problem is:How can I improve the efficiency?And in such wide input voltage,how can I ensure the stability of the converter?
Thank you for your reply!!!

y not just use flyback

good gain and phase marjin = good stability

Because i didn't need to use a isolated converter,and i want to make the converter simple without a transformer.However the input voltage is too wide,which cause the efficiency of the converter too poor.

flyback will better perform in this case

Yes,it is better to use the flyback in this case,and there are so many converters using the flyback.
However,i was told to use the converter which is non-isolated.And that is the problem .

Added after 1 hours 22 minutes:

And the power of the converter is 500W,which is not suited for the flyback.

Is there some topologies that suited for this case?

This is not a trivial design, a flyback could be made to work with multiple o/p windings, each rectified then paralleled. Interleaved layers of pri/sec to get the leakage down to keep the efficiency high, else a Cuk or Sepic or a buck converter that can sustain 100% duty cycle on the main switch.
Regards, Orson Cart.

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