Problem about generic .Can anybody help me? plz

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May 21, 2014
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Hi guys !

I have a big problem with my code about generic

question : How is that the program will be generic ?!

Can you help me plz

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity correla is
generic  (
            longueur  : natural :=8 );
port (
         clk : in    std_logic ;
         rst : in    std_logic  ;
         data: in    std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)  ;
          --code: in    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0 )  ;--for 4 bits
         code: in    std_logic_vector((4*longueur)-1 downto 0 )  ;---for generic
            --Q   :out    std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) )  ;--for 4 bits
         Q   :out   std_logic_vector((4*longueur)+1 downto 0)) ; ---for generic
end entity ;
architecture arch of correla  is
       --type RAM is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; --for 4 bits
       type RAM is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(longueur-1 downto 0) ;---for generic
       --type ram16 is array (0 to 3) of signed(15 downto 0) ;--for 4 bits
       type ram16 is array (0 to 3) of signed((4*longueur)-1 downto 0) ;---for generic
       --type Rom is array (0 to 3) of signed(11 downto 0) ;--for 4 bits
       type Rom is array (0 to 3) of signed((3*longueur)-1 downto 0) ;---for generic
        signal voie :Rom ;
        signal CD    : RAM;
        signal temp: ram16;
       -- signal sum0   :signed (16 downto 0) ;
         signal sum0   :signed (4*longueur  downto 0) ;---for generic
        --signal sum1   :signed (16 downto 0) ;--for 4 bits
        signal sum1   :signed (4*longueur downto 0) ;---for generic
        --signal AB     :signed (17 downto 0) ;--for 4 bits
        signal AB     :signed ((4*longueur)+1 downto 0) ;---for generic
    --CD(0) <= code(15 downto 12);--for 4 bits
    --CD(1) <= code(11 downto 8);--for 4 bits
    ---CD(2) <= code(7 downto 4);--for 4 bits
    --CD(3) <= code(3 downto 0); --for 4 bits
     AY:for j in 0 to 3 generate
           CD(j)<=(code((longueur*j+(longueur-1)) downto (longueur*j)));---for generic
      end generate AY ;
                  if(rst='1') then
                     Q  <=(others=>'0');
                     F:for k in 0 to longueur-1 loop ---for generic
                       end loop ;
                     --temp(0)<=x"0000";--for 4 bits
                     --temp(1)<=x"0000";--for 4 bits
                     --temp(2)<=x"0000";--for 4 bits
                     --temp(3)<=x"0000";--for 4 bits
                        if(clk'event and clk ='1') then
                              voie(0)<=signed(data) ;
                              B:for L in 1 to 3 loop
                                 voie(L)<=voie(l-1);---for generic
                               end loop ;
                              --voie(1)<=voie(0);--for 4 bits
                              --voie(2)<=voie(1);--for 4 bits
                              --voie(3)<=voie(2); --for 4 bits
                                      for i in 0 to 3 loop
                                      --for i in 0 to longueur-1 loop
                                        temp(i) <= voie(i)*signed(CD(i));
                                      end loop ;
                                       --sum0<= resize(temp(0),17)+temp(1) ;--for 4 bits
                                       sum0<= resize(temp(0),(4*longueur)+1)+temp(1) ;---for generic
                                       --sum1<= resize(temp(2),17)+temp(3) ;--for 4 bits
                                      sum1<= resize(temp(2),(4*longueur)+1)+temp(3) ;---for generic
                                        -- AB<=resize(sum0,18)+sum1 ;--for 4 bits
                                         AB<=resize(sum0,(4*longueur)+2)+sum1 ;---for generic
                                         Q<=std_logic_vector(AB) ;
                             end if ;
                     end if ; 
            end process ;
end architecture ;

Thank you in advance for your reponse

what exactly is the question? when you instantiate the correla entity, you can set the longueuer generic.

I hope you have solved your previous thread. The new thread reminds me to a quote from Douglas Adams Life, the Universe, and Everything:

if it happened, it seems that the Question and the Answer would just cancel each other out and take the Universe with them, which would then be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable.

Yes, the expression lengths doesn't match, as clearly indicated in the error message.

I'm not sure if you pursue a plan? If so, you would change all code locations to generic signal length. In the present place, you can e.g. write (others => '0') as a zero vector of unspecific length.

This is my code :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity correla is

generic  (
            longueur  : natural :=8 );

port (
         clk : in    std_logic ;
         rst : in    std_logic  ;
         data: in    std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)  ; 

         --code: in    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0 )  ;
         code: in    std_logic_vector((4*longueur)-1 downto 0 )  ;
            --Q   :out    std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) )  ;
         Q   :out   std_logic_vector((4*longueur)+1 downto 0)) ;
end entity ;

architecture arch of correla  is 
       --type RAM is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ;
       type RAM is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(longueur-1 downto 0) ;
       --type ram16 is array (0 to 3) of signed(15 downto 0) ;
       type ram16 is array (0 to 3) of signed((4*longueur)-1 downto 0) ;
       --type Rom is array (0 to 3) of signed(11 downto 0) ;
       type Rom is array (0 to 3) of signed((3*longueur)-1 downto 0) ;

        signal voie :Rom ;
        signal CD    : RAM;
        --signal CD1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        --signal temp  : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        signal temp: ram16;
       --signal temp1  : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        --signal idata :std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ;
       -- signal sum0   :signed (16 downto 0) ;
         signal sum0   :signed (4*longueur  downto 0) ;
        --signal sum1   :signed (16 downto 0) ;
        signal sum1   :signed (4*longueur downto 0) ;
        --signal AB     :signed (17 downto 0) ;
        signal AB     :signed ((4*longueur)+1 downto 0) ;

    --CD(0) <= code(15 downto 12);
    --CD(1) <= code(11 downto 8);
    ---CD(2) <= code(7 downto 4);
    --CD(3) <= code(3 downto 0); 
     --AY:for j in 0 to 3 generate 
         AY:for j in 0 to 3 generate 
           CD(j)<=code((longueur*j)+(longueur-1) downto (longueur*j));
           --CD(longueur-1-j)<=(code((longueur*j+(longueur-1)) downto (longueur*j)));
      end generate AY ;
                  if(rst='1') then 
                     Q  <=(others=>'0');
                    F:for k in 0 to longueur-1 loop 
                       end loop ;
                    -- temp(0)<=x"0000";

                        if(clk'event and clk ='1') then 
                              voie(0)<=signed(data) ;
                              B:for L in 1 to 3 loop
                              -- B:for L in 0 to longueur-1 loop 
                               end loop ;
                                     for i in 0 to 3 loop 
                                     -- for i in 0 to longueur-1 loop 
                                        temp(i) <= voie(i)*signed(CD(i));
                                      end loop ;
                                       --sum0<= resize(temp(0),17)+temp(1) ;
                                       sum0<= resize(temp(0),(4*longueur)+1)+temp(1) ;
                                       --sum1<= resize(temp(2),17)+temp(3) ;
                                      sum1<= resize(temp(2),(4*longueur)+1)+temp(3) ;
                                        -- AB<=resize(sum0,18)+sum1 ;
                                         AB<=resize(sum0,(4*longueur)+2)+sum1 ;
                                         Q<=std_logic_vector(AB) ;
                             end if ;
                     end if ;  
            end process ;
 end architecture

Thank you for your reponse

- - - Updated - - -

Error : Error (10384): VHDL assignment error at correla.vhd(78): index 4 is outside the range (0 to 3) of object "temp"

F:for k in 0 to longueur-1 loop 
                       end loop ;

problem is
 type ram16 is array (0 to 3) of signed((4*longueur)-1 downto 0) ;
                          signal temp: ram16;
                      F:for k in 0 to longueur-1 loop 
                       end loop ;

if we have length =4 ==>temp=16
length=8 =>temp=20
length=12 =>temp=24

I should have an relation between temp and length

can you help me plz !!

you have only changed the word length, not the length of the array.


    Points: 2
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I am trying, but it seems you need to be hand held through every compilation error. Here is the clue:

type ram16 is array (0 to 3)

So , I have a big problem !! :sad:

- - - Updated - - -

Can anybody help me :!:

- - - Updated - - -

Can anybody help me :!:

I have told you, you need to make the temp array based on the generic, or change what you are indexing inside the loop.

From your table, find the relationship between length and the width of temp. I'm sure you're able to find it easily. If you still don't find it, get a dozen of doughnuts box and I'm sure the answer will come.

Gook luck

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