I want to preserve the sram_dummy register here.
So, I tried to use the synopsis directives, it just told me no object called sram_dummy.
I also checked the design after analyze, in gtech unmapped netlist, sram_dummy has been removed.
How can I preserve cell during analyze ?
So, I tried to use the synopsis directives, it just told me no object called sram_dummy.
I also checked the design after analyze, in gtech unmapped netlist, sram_dummy has been removed.
How can I preserve cell during analyze ?
module mem_ext(
input W0_clk,
input [7:0] W0_addr,
input W0_en,
input [63:0] W0_data,
input R0_clk,
input [7:0] R0_addr,
input R0_en,
output [63:0] R0_data
// synopsys dc_script_begin
// set_dont_touch sram_dummy
// synopsys dc_script_end
reg sram_dummy;
mem256x64 mem0(
/* output [63:0] */ .Q(R0_data),
/* input */ .CLK(W0_clk),
/* input */ .CEN(!(W0_en||R0_en)),
/* input */ .WEN(!W0_en),
/* input [7:0] */ .A(W0_en ? R0_addr : W0_addr),
/* input [63:0] */ .D(W0_data)
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