I have designed a linear regulator(post-regulator) circuit currently using TPS7A4701 that is being controlled with a DAC to output between 0 and +30V, I also have designed a adjustable switching step-down regulator(pre-regulator) using LTC3864 which can output a voltage between 0.8V and the input voltage which in my case is 40V, but I plan to use it to output ~2-33V to allow the linear regulator stage to output 0-30V.
I don't know how I should control the pre-regulator though, one idea is to control it in the same way the linear regulator is controlled.
I am going to design in a current limit circuit of some kind and to st the limit I'll need another DAC output and I have a suitable quad DAC so I have outputs available to use for controlling the pre-regulator.
But the kinds I have seen have some circuits which by automation keeps the pre-regulator one or two volts above the post-regulator which sure does sound more convenient but I have not jet come up with a circuit to accomplish this. If I would use my first idea I also need to measure the output from that stage which amount to a unsuitable solution.
But I don't know if my circuit can be adapted to such a sheme, it works like this:
Might I use a op-amp to buffer the DAC control voltage and ether shift it up a little or just design the pre-regulators feedback resistors in such a way that it will output a higher voltage?
That does actually sound as a good idea, what do you all think?