Practical Way to Find Transfer Function

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Oct 2, 2007
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I wonder to know how can I find transfer function of a system by experiment (for example a heater ).
is it possible for different data we acquire the output and by thereof we get the transfer function?

In a real world, a short rectangular pulse would be used instead of an ideal dirac impulse. A heater is an example of a system where it might be impracticable because the response to a short pulse of maximum input power is too low to measure the transfer function with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.

Generally the transfer function can be determined as correlation of input and output signal if the input signal stimulates all characteristic frequencies of the system. A pseudo random sequence can be e.g. used as a wide band stimulation.

Thanks advares and thanks fvm
in my case i want to use power line (220V 50Hz) to supply the heater and i can have different average voltage. For each of these voltage i have fixed temperature after some peroid of time. If i make a table for these values. Can i get the transfer function and how?

It is not clear though what are the I/O of transfer function. furthermore transfer function is for linear systems so you have to operate your system in linear range. good luck

Thanks hedonist
the input is voltage and the output is temp. The problem is how can i do this. For different voltage the response of the system is get alter and it affect the max temperature that we can get and the time of reaching to that point

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