I have the freeRTOS port for powerpc 405 ,I am not getting the RTOS in the dialogue box of software platform setting and hence it is in standalone .Is it required for the EDK to detect the RTOS kernel (in the dialogue box mentioned ) for porting ( i am porting it onto the virtex 2 pro ml310 board) i guess for that a kernel aware repository is required even after adding the kernel c files in a folder and leting this folder as a peripheral repository , i still dint get it or even with standalone is it possible to still port the OS onto the v2p ?
I intend to get a terminal (shell) interface using the hyperterminal (the user can enter the commands in the hyperterminal to observe the operation of the OS)....How to do it ?
and what is a brief procedure for porting rtlinux onto the vrtex2 pro powerpc (hard core) ml310 board ...?????