I need to interface my xbee series 2 from digi to my main project which involves two way communication b/w two attiny2313s. The question is about power. I configured one xbee as configurator and other as router. First I powered the xbee from usb to ttl converter(which has a 3v3 power pin) and the tx of the tiny2313 is given to a potential divider tx----10k----tap----20k---gnd. and the tap is given to xbee rx so that it gets the required 3v3. Now to make it a standalone project, I have to power the xbee also (give it 3v3). I tried potential divider It seems it is not that efficient. What are the ways? Kindly dont suggest a 3v3 voltage regulator. May be a zener? or any good ideas for potential divider?