If you re-design the circuit so that Mosfets can replace its output transistors then it uses two N-channel Mosfets and two P-channel Mosfets.
An ordinary Mosfet needs an input of 10V to fully turn on but a "logic-level" Mosfet needs only 5V.
You will not get any more power, you will get a higher ability to produce more power if the supply and the motor use more power.
The motor will probably burn out at a higher power than it was designed for.
My project is just to be able to safely use the Lipo battery for the modest more power I will get. So using the logic level mosfet which oen is the one for PNP and NPN?? A I have 4 transistors right now two PNP and two NPN will I have to put 4 mosfet two P channel and two N??
The Mosfet you posted is a logic-level N-channel Mosfet. I do not know a P-channel logic level Mosfet.
We do not know if your circuit can be modified to use Mosfets.