I'm doing a little spring to feed a 12VDC/24VDC/48VDC circuits (controlled via a PIC) and wanted to make a kind of UPS with batteries, to supply missing when the AC voltage. In principle I understand that it may be easier than a UPS, since they do not have to extend or modulate the tension, but still I have my doubts. The maximum output power can be between 400W and 500W, and had intended not to regulate the output voltage, being always fixed and varying at a later stage with a DC / DC, but maybe there is loss of heat or similar performance.
In normal operating mode, supply voltage and provide the current necessary to the team, and also keep charging the batteries. How I can do business like UPS to resolve the peaks of voltage and current declines?. He had thought of using diodes and downhill, descending by a threshold to be above the voltage of the batteries providing these energy Does anyone know of a similar circuit can be adapted to use for my application? Any tips to make the maximum returns for energy and have no heat loss?. Thank you very much.