You'll need 4 diodes... either separate, or packaged in a bridge rectifier.
The schematics at are not consistent in the way they label the diode bridge. It's no problem. This type of power supply is very common, and easy to construct.
One of the schematics labels the bridge rectifier 'D1' although it contains 4 diodes.
The other schematic shows 4 diodes labelled D1-D5. Maybe D5 is supposed to be the bridge rectifier package, and it's simply tacked onto the list... because I don't see a fifth diode in the schematic.
My simulation shows each diode conducts 19A at a duty cycle of about 15 percent. This is an average of 3A continuous. Nevertheless you should use a bridge rectifier rated to handle 19A.
A 15A rating may be sufficient, but you would be taking a chance. (Remember that powerup surge current can be high.)
The 4-diode package will heat up as a result of dissipating 7 W average power.