Today, I am confused with my professor's eternal brilliance,
He say a Power Spectral Density function returns a number which represents complete power of a signal.
I am dealing with a low power noise.
Can i really get a number in dB instead of dB/Hz for a random signal which gives a power.
He says, it will not be in books, find out by yourself.
I don't know if i need to change a universal meaning of a density function to merely a number value.
Can anyone please help me in making him understand.
He claims, if PSD is integrated over limits , it returns a value which is true.
What power does a noise signal represent in dB.
Thanks for all inputs
Added after 57 minutes:
Maybe this be helpful:
PSD is definable in a range of frequency if so you got a number for special frequency and for all the frequecny you got numbers corresponds to thier frequency.For more information I advised to consult matlab help and search for "noisepsd" and see the results