Power line carrier communication

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jinal patel

Full Member level 1
Feb 15, 2007
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presentation on power line carrier communication

Is it possible to transmit video signal through power line ? or FM signal through power line? Required some line cause i want to make transmitter and receiver model through which i can send high frequency signal through power line i.e 50Mhz to 100Mhz signal. Please provide me some techinical guidance for the same.
thanking to all in advance

download power line carrier communication ebook

I have seen this done on the wiring inside a house, but not across town.

There are legal considerations with putting signals that go beyond your wiring in the building.

power line carrier ebook

PLC or Power Line Communication is definitely an established form of long distance delivery of broadband on the Trunk power line that spans across the country. This way Power transmission companies are entring the business of Telecom Transmisson on their already in place infrastructure.
You can find an eBook on the sunject matter in this forum.

carrier communication

Hello my friends
I am going to have a small presentation for PLC as a Power Systems course project.
I googled before but couldn`t find a good article esp with Power Systems vision and in detail would you help me in introduce some proper article/ebook?

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