I am trying to learn about power harvesting by using a simple evaluation board. When I bought it, it came with its own antenna but I want to use another one. The issue lies here, the board can only handle 915-930 MHz, higher frequencies and it can be destroyed of course. This is a very small range so here comes the question. Can I use an amplifier between the antenna and the board? If yes, how should I think? For example, if I buy a 700 MHz antenna, what amplifier should I use to reach 915 or the maximum value (maybe there is a way to calculate the right amplifier value)?. Are there other methods besides this one?
I am a newbie so please consider it.
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to learn about power harvesting by using a simple evaluation board. When I bought it, it came with its own antenna but I want to use another one. The issue lies here, the board can only handle 915-930 MHz, higher frequencies and it can be destroyed of course. This is a very small range so here comes the question. Can I use an amplifier between the antenna and the board? If yes, how should I think? For example, if I buy a 700 MHz antenna, what amplifier should I use to reach 915 or the maximum value (maybe there is a way to calculate the right amplifier value)?. Are there other methods besides this one?
I am a newbie so please consider it.
Thanks in advance!