Power disipation comparisson between WC and BC libraries

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Jan 11, 2007
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Got a question. Would Power Dissipation numbers for a design with BC libraries be higher than WC libraries? I would tend to think yes., but I am not sure. Can some one please explain why? Thanks in advance

from my understanding, i think it would be the other way around with WC having more power dissipation than BC.

There are two component in any lib model to represent power dissipation,

i) First one is for static power which is higher in case of BC since it is proportional to V². V(Supply Voltage) is higher in case of BC.

ii) Second one is to consider dynamic power which is more in case of SS. This is because of comparatively bad transition...

I hope this will help :|


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maybe , the result is not so as you think. For example , in WC,a chip may not operation at high power supply and clock frequency maybe less than BC condition.thus the chip will consume less power than that in BC.

for example, one circuit can select cell from BC lib, all constraints are met. The same circuit selects cell from WC lib, all constraints are also met.

In previous condiction. the power dissipation of circuit which select cell from BC lib must be more than that of another one. Because the cell from BC lib will consume more capacitance, more area. you can find this from lib pdf file.



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Thanks for your comments guys. So from what I understand BestCase libraries should have more power consumption, which can be counter intutive if you go by name only. But if you go with the meaning, ie Best Case Libraries means faster chips, ie draws more power, it makse sense. This also corelates to Power Consumtion numbers I am seeing in Power Theater.

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