I have this drive, that drives a BLDC motor, and it has a 10 k potentiometer which can be used to vary speed,
and i replaced that with DAC(the one on the left in schematic) and it worked fine for a couple of days, but one day opamp U1a heated up, and i replaced it and now the drive shows erratic behaviour,
the drive goes to max speed on 0 volts, and stops at 5, when the three pins of potentio are disconnected the signal pin shoes five volts, and when i connect my dac to it, regardless of dac's output, output voltage is 3.3 V, and only increases when DAC's output is greater than 3.3 Volts.
i though it was a current issue so i replaces the output stage with the one on the right so as to increase the current, but still nothing. What should i do?