Possible revolutionary design

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Mountain Tech Solutions

Newbie level 2
Dec 25, 2012
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Victoria, Australia
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Hi, i am only new to this site (and Forums in general) so please forgive me if this is the wrong spot, it just seemed like it was the right area.

I have a design that i want to get constructed that i believe could revolutionise the IT industry but the problem is i am no good with the circuitry and programming that is required, i was just wondering if anyone has any ideas where i can get the help i need. I believe my design will be extremely popular, so i cannot currently disclose what it is incase some big company was to find out and steal it.

Any help that i am given is greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance

You should break your problem into small parts. You can give each smaller problem to different persons or post them here separately to avoid disclosing the entire idea.
This way you can ma be able to make your idea practical.

Maybe your ideas exists but you not known for it!?
And if you are no familiar with circuitry and programming ..... maybe your idea isn't possible?!

Thankyou guys for replying to my thread. nitishn5 that is a great idea, I can easily break my idea into parts to get more help. js I have scoured the internet, books and magazines, and i have not found anything remotely close to what my idea is so i fairly certain that noone else has the idea, and my idea is possible, its just that i need someone to help me with it.

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