Advanced Member level 6

Hi in a Micro-Tel 1200 receiver I have measured the voltages on the PSU (page 99 schematic) and all are close, apart from the 140v which measures only 114v. I tried tuning the R6, and it does vary the output voltage but I cannot go to more than 114v.
Note the receiver operates on 230v instead of 240v, but I do not think this is the problem because the other voltages are more or less ok. There must be something with this 140v line. Can you please let me know what you would check?
I have measured the in-circuit R5 (carbon composite 5%) resistor to be 44k instead of 39k. can the loss of it's value be the cause?
Note the receiver operates on 230v instead of 240v, but I do not think this is the problem because the other voltages are more or less ok. There must be something with this 140v line. Can you please let me know what you would check?
--- Updated ---
I have measured the in-circuit R5 (carbon composite 5%) resistor to be 44k instead of 39k. can the loss of it's value be the cause?
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