Positive pulses detection

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Newbie level 6
Apr 26, 2002
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I'm trying to find the best way to generate a clock pulse when any of ten input signals goes ON (5V).

Hello, nuwanda

In my understandings, your purpose is detecting ten of rising edge pulses?
For detailed circuit construction, you'd consider some more factors below.
- The pulse whether goes fall after rising.
- The pulse duration time, that can be a speed.
- What time intervals varidate to check/count the ten of rising pulses.
- You'll using MCU or only contruct with ICs.

Possibly two solutions are available.
One is using MCU. you can use time/couter function or external event
interrupt function. When there are pulse rising event, you can detect that
with external interrupt. Mostly it called INT0 or INT1 etc.
You also can count its event with timer/counter and check their number
of count. Importanct one thing is triggering level of pulse, what voltage
you'll decide to pulses go ON.

Another is using timer/counter TTL ICs. After ten of rising pulses go ON,
particular output port you can check. That is ten is 1010 in binary.
So you can check output of Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3 is 1,0,1,0 and you can decide
to ten of rising pulses go ON. Here, important one thing is after check
the of rising pulses output, you should reset the timer/counter ICs.

I hope this can help you.
Good luck.

I drow simple schematics.

This is not good but it is works.
You can try same idea using syncron logic.

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