Newbie level 2
I am trying build ARM applets for running on AT91SAM7X256 in the SAM-BA environment.
The supplied examples use GCC. I've created an IAR project, and added all the source files in the MAKEFILE. 'isp_startup.s' does not assemble with errors on the lines '.align 4', '.arm', '.section .text', '.global entry', '.space 4*32' and '.word 0x00'. What to I need to do to convert this to IAR compatible assembler?
I also don't know which ICF file to use to get the applet to load in SRAM, and the entry point and 'mailbox' to appear at the locations where SAM-BA expects them. The obvious one in the examples 'SRAM.ICF' generates warnings.
Can anyone advise please
The supplied examples use GCC. I've created an IAR project, and added all the source files in the MAKEFILE. 'isp_startup.s' does not assemble with errors on the lines '.align 4', '.arm', '.section .text', '.global entry', '.space 4*32' and '.word 0x00'. What to I need to do to convert this to IAR compatible assembler?
I also don't know which ICF file to use to get the applet to load in SRAM, and the entry point and 'mailbox' to appear at the locations where SAM-BA expects them. The obvious one in the examples 'SRAM.ICF' generates warnings.
Can anyone advise please