Portable generator is not starting up , problem with bad solenoid also ?

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Sep 12, 2011
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Portable generator is not starting up , problem with bad solenoid also ?

I just shorted the two main terminals of solenoid with screw drive the engine cranks over but the generator is not starting ..... cleaned the spark plug , cleaned the air filter , cleaned all the connections and terminals and lugs ..... checked battery voltage they are 12.65V .....

What might gone bad that stopping the engine from being getting started ?

King Power Gasoline Generator With Mobility Kit , KP3500EKP-I , rated power 2500 Watts , peak power 2800 Watts, 6.5 Hp 4 Cycle , OHV Air Cooled Engine at 220 V ac

Might be the bad spark plug , would change it also but other than what might be the possible cause of the problem ?

If there's a problem with carburetor that is its jammed with dirt or oil ? What's the solution ?

Also without air filter can we start the generator or can run it for longer periods means for 1 hour or for 2 hours continuously without air filter ?

Check fuse.

which fuse ?

Typically how many fuses are there in a home portable generator ?

- - - Updated - - -

If any of the fuse is blown then the engine would crank over but won't start , is it so ?

This isn' really an appropriate forum for discussing gasoline engines but here is your check list anyway:

1. Establish if HT is present - remove the spark plug and, reconnect it to it's cable but let it rest against the engine casing away from the hole it came from. Try starting the engine but watch for a spark jumping the gap in the plug. If there is a spark, the HT is OK, if theres no spark, either the plug, cable or ignition coil are suspect.

2. If it has electronic ignition (CDI) check there is power going to it from the battery.

3. If the spark is OK you have a fuel or air problem. Yes, you can run it without the air filter for short periods as long as you are in a dust free area. If it runs without the filter, get a new one or clean the old one, don't leave the filter off for long or you risk damage to the engine.

4. When it cranks over, can you smell gasoline at the exhaust outlet? If yes, you have fuel reaching the engine but it may be flooded. Remove the spark plug and leave it for a few hours before refitting it and trying again.
If there is no gasoline smell, you have no fuel reaching the carburetter. Check there is fuel in the tank and the in-line fuel filter isn't blocked (it's usually part of the fuel tap under the tank).

5. As a last resort, you could have water in the fuel. Place a container under the carburetter and look for a small screw at the bottom of the float chamber (NOT the mix adjustment screws!), when slackened you should get a flow of fuel from it, make sure it flows freely and is actually gasoline and not water. Then tighten the screw again and wipe of any spills.

After that - cursing and hitting it would be worth a try!

Hello dineshdeshmuk,

there are many reasons, why your motor don't start. I can only tell you my own experience with my generator.

1.) Look, if their is enough gasoline in the gas tank and look if the fuel tap is open, and also enough motor oil. This is not a joking question, because the gasoline will vaporized. I don't use the generator soo much, and so I forgot to open the fuel tap.

2.) Look for the spark plug. Is it black and dirty or is it wet. If it is black and dirty you must clean it really. The black dirt is coal and makes a short circuit for the ignition voltage. If you can not clean it, change it.
Check the spark plug. Do it like this: Connect the ignitions cable to the spark plug and hold it to crankcase. the try to start the motor and look for the spark. You must see it good. Take care of electric shocks!
If it is wet, the motor get too much gasoline. Clean and dry the spark plug. Test the spark plug, like I say before. Put the spark plug into the motor.

3.) If the spark plug was wet, look here, else goto #4.)
There is too much gasoline in the carburetor. Close the fuel tap and try to start the motor. Short time before all gasoline in the carburetor is use, you feel the motor want to start. Then look again for the spark plug, and if necessary dry and clean it again. Now open the fuel tap again. Try to start again.

4.) Now look, if the carburetor gets gasoline. Sometimes it can be, that dirt is comming into the gasoline line. If it is clean, the carburetor has a fold. Here I canot give a advice, because I have no experience. It's better to ask a motor specialist.

I think, the air filter will not be the problem. If it is dirty the motor will not bring full power. It's the same, when you have too less air to breathe. 8-O

I hope it hlp to start the motor again

Best regards

Low-oil shutdown can be a problem especially on first
startup when the oil system is not primed. Try finding
that switch (two wires to a sensor on the crankcase)
and open the connection (if NC) or short it (if NO -
check the docs, but often it's a NC shunt of the
igniton system that opens and allows spark when
the oil pressure or level comes up).
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