PMPO = Peak Music Power Output/Peak momentary power output

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Sep 6, 2009
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I have a bit difficulty in understanding PMPO - the two different definitions about it and its purpose, and a question: Is it anything related to power consumption of the audio appliance?
Anywhere i can understand it clearly, pls elaborate your explanation.
PMPO = Peak Music Power Output/Peak momentary power output??

The only purpose behind them is marketing, these aren't defined like RMS watts so it is a good way to fool potential customers by using big stickers that advertise 200W or 250W PMPO.
These peak measurements have no specification for the distortion or the duration and are useless.

Check the wikipedia explanation Audio power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Peak Music Power Output (PMPO), sometimes misused in advertising as Peak momentary performance output, is a much more dubious figure of merit, of interest more to advertising copy-writers than to consumers. The term PMPO has never been defined in any standard, but it is often taken to be the sum of some sort of peak power for each amplifier in a system. Different manufacturers use different definitions, so that the ratio of PMPO to continuous power output varies widely; it is not possible to convert from one to the other. Most amplifiers can sustain their PMPO for only a very short time; loudspeakers are not designed to withstand their stated PMPO for anything but a momentary peak without serious damage.

Peak momentary power output and peak music power output are two different measurements with different specifications and should not be used interchangeably. Manufacturers who use different words such as pulse or performance may be reflecting their own non-standard system of measurement, with an unknown meaning. The Federal Trade Commission is putting an end to this with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Rule 46 CFR 432 (1974), affecting Power Output Claims for Amplifiers Utilized in Home Entertainment Products.

Remembering that neither specification is universally standardized and different companies use different definitions, the typically understood differences between Peak Momentary and Peak Music Power Output are as follows. Peak Momentary Power Output is measured by the components ability to pass a single peak or a short train of peaks, usually fewer than ten contiguous wave cycles, without distortion or loss in power output. Peak Music Power Output, in contrast, is measured by the components' ability to pass at least ten contiguous wave cycles without distortion or loss in power output.

It is generally agreed that PMPO numbers do not have any correlation to system performance, and they are probably made up in most cases.

Purpose is for marketing: What makes them fool? Is it 'Bigger the number' make them feel the system is good? How is related to power of the system?

Every wonder how as set of amplifed speakers have a 50 watt advertised power output with a 12v 0.5 amp wall wart power source.

Every wonder how as set of amplifed speakers have a 50 watt advertised power output with a 12v 0.5 amp wall wart power source.

Thats right, but speakers aren't lited using a wall wart.
You mean to say 'PMPO is no way related to Power of the device'?

PMPO have no relation to the real capability of the device (speaker or amplifier), they can't be compared between devices (even of the same kind).
The PMPO is supposed to be an output power surge that the device can handle but there is absolutely no standard for the duration or the distortion levels and sometimes the number is not even based on measurements.
On the other hand PMPO is a clear indication that the manufacturer wants to impress with the high power rating of the device, if the RMS rating is not provided in the manual or a datasheet then you will not be able to find the true potential of the device unless you measure it yourself.


Here's some information:

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