PMID pin on switching charger

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The table on page 4 states that the pin is used to bypass (decouple) some of the input circuitry and thus requires a capacitor to power-ground for that purpose.

The table on page 4 states that the pin is used to bypass (decouple) some of the input circuitry and thus requires a capacitor to power-ground for that purpose.

Thanks for your answer,

but What i wonder is what kind of circuitry is connected to PMID pin in switching charger application?
Please give me an advice, thanks.

Hi crutschow,

THanks for your answer,

So, you mean that PMID is pin-outed just for VBUS bypass purpose?

Then is there any differences between cin1 and cin2? because input vbus always comes from VBUS Pin. (please see figure 3)
is there any special purpose of 'double' bypass with cin1 and cin2?

Thanks in advance.

You can see the difference. Cin2 is filtering a different point than Cin1. Cin2 is filtering/smoothing an internal signal, not VBUS.

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