Plotting S21,S12,S23 etc in HFSS

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Newbie level 4
Mar 10, 2010
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I am trying o design wilkinson power divider with coaxial probe feed at 16GHz. Please it some one can write down the deign procedure.
Also please tell me how can I check this divider in HFSS (how feed is given at input? what should be at output ports?). Finally how can i see the plot of S21,S12,S22 etc please write the steps for HFSS. I will be really thankful to all of you. Please help

For the S-Parameter plots:
Right-Click on results and then select create report and then ok. In the next dialog you could select the S-parameter that should be on the plot

Design steps:
1-Draw the geometry for your design
2-Add the boundary conditions: radiation box (necessary for antennas),waveports, etc.
3-Add a solution setup (determine the working frequency and the type of solution:fast, interpolating or descerete)
4-Add a frequency sweep
5-Run the analysis
6-Add Various types of results (Graphs of S parameters, field distributions, gain, radiation pattern, etc.)

Thanx 4 your replies guy. (ahmino) I want design procedure for wilkinson power divider and its simulation in HFSS by which i mean that how should i apply coaxial feed at input, what should be at outputs ports so that i can see the results.

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