Plot Power.vs.Wavelength

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Hi to all

i have a simple question , how can i plot Power.vs.Wavelength , in order to calculate Impedance (z=v*v/p) in CST MWS ?

i've designed a complex structure which i can't calculate impedance mathematically, so i have one choice,namely , use CST to find out the approximate quantities. wavelength range is between 800-1800 nm .

Best Regards

Please define CST and MWS. I don't know what these mean, but in general, you can plot power vs. frequency using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Depending on the nature of your data, you may want to apply a windowing method. Then, converting the frequency axis to wavelength is straightforward, using the relationship c = f*lambda (where c is the speed of propagation, f is frequency and lambda is wavelength).

Thanks for reply

CST MWS is related to "CST Microwave Studio" which is a commercially software (

as i've described , my structure is complex and it's so difficult to obtain mathematically formula.

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