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PLL has big phase offset
An on chip PLL design has big phase offset which is about 2ns between
clk in and clk feedback of PFD.
The parameter is below :
fclkin=4-20MHz Icp = 2.5uA - 20uA , Kvco = 100MHz - 300MHz, N=16
If follow the below design discriptoin:
Funit = 1/20 Fclkin
C1 = 1/20 C2
ξ = 1
The R and C will too large for on-chip clock sysnthesis. So I want to
know What is your descision on the R and C 's value .( I hope C smaller
than 100pF, R smaller than 15k, and voltage variation of LPF is below 1mV)
An on chip PLL design has big phase offset which is about 2ns between
clk in and clk feedback of PFD.
The parameter is below :
fclkin=4-20MHz Icp = 2.5uA - 20uA , Kvco = 100MHz - 300MHz, N=16
If follow the below design discriptoin:
Funit = 1/20 Fclkin
C1 = 1/20 C2
ξ = 1
The R and C will too large for on-chip clock sysnthesis. So I want to
know What is your descision on the R and C 's value .( I hope C smaller
than 100pF, R smaller than 15k, and voltage variation of LPF is below 1mV)