PLL Bandwith Question

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Full Member level 5
Jun 22, 2007
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I have two question on Bandwith and Phase margin.

What does mean that a System has a wide/narrow bandwith and Phase margin.

What relation exists between Bandwidth and Jitter.

I hope that I'm not saying somethink stupid.

Whao !
I have another question:
Is my last question is too stupid or too difficult ?


As the phase margin is large enough it means the system is more immune to noise which can make oscillations ( need more explanation??)

the bandwidth of a system depends on the application, we always make the BW of application slightly higher than that of applications so as to minimize noise ( as jitter )

ask any question you want but press helped me button!!


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Thanks. I pressed the button.

I need an in depth explanation. suppose that you have a tranceiver and a receriver. The tranceiver sends a set of bits to the revceiver and that each uses a PLL of Fpll Hertz.
Suppose that the receiver and the transceiver are synchronous (but not using the same PLL). Suppoe that the jitter is 1/100 of the period of one cycle what should be the Bandwidth of the PLLs ?

hi again
the jitter is noise;that means that there is no relation between jitter and bandwidth
I may limit jitter by limitting bandwidht,that's it
I will give you an easy example:
if you have a receiver that will recieve from 1MHz-3Mh then its BW 2MHZ ,if there is noise does the BW change?? os course no,will you increase the BW to help noise pass?? of course no
I hope you got it

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