please tell me the formula for selecting capacitor value

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Dec 7, 2010
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please tell me the formula for selecting capacitor value

please tell me the formula for selecting capacitor value

Life would be very easy and we would not need engineers/technicians if everything in electronics could be solved applying an existing formula. Sorry, but I have no other answer.

please tell me the formula for selecting capacitor value

Suppose for a second that this question was written by another user ... what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read it..

for me the first question would be selecting capacitor for what?
there are thousands of circuits using a capacitor and I personally can't read your mind...


There are formulas out there, but each different depending on the application, surrounding components, etc. It could be used in a timing circuit. Then you would need to know which IC is being used or what are the resistors being used with it. It could be used as a filter in a power supply. Then you would need to know current rating, frequency, ripple. It could be used for decoupling. It could be used in a filter (RC/LC high/low pass). It could be used as a snubber. There are hundreds of applications out there and the required value depends on the combination of components used in each circuit depending on what function the capacitor carries out.

Hope this helps.

You can select any capacitor you like color wise or for physical appearance but if you want to select for any use in the Electronic circuit Then what is that, can you give any idea :razz:

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