please help with small EMP project

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Junior Member level 2
Dec 4, 2012
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My interest in EMP (and related electronics) was triggered by recent posts on the web. I wanted to know how to make a strong handheld EMP device able to distrupt small electronic devices like calcs, mobiles, radios and bulbs.

My interest is in seeking the realization of the idea and not to be troubling others.

This is like saying you want a pocket sized space ship. A battery powered unit that is small (pocket sized?), will only radiate picowatts and hence it would be difficult to detect the normal problems associated with an EMP, i.e. street lights going out, remote semiconductors being blown etc.

hehe.. i realize the difficulty of my idea :lol: .... so i guess i will have to do with a decently sized project. Please, could you could guide me with some schematics? I'll appreciate it.

When You have a higher voltage available a tesla coil would indeed be a great gadget to do this.
Another thing You might try to charge a solenoid and disconnect it by a relay, this would generate high voltages with a rise-time of a few nanoseconds up to the breakover voltage of your relay.
However I don't know if this would work with a low voltage since I never used low voltage solenoids only the 220 Volt AC types.

It might be a fun experiment though, just be cautious while doing it they might actually generate upto a kV or more depending on your relay.
May be you are looking for projects such as tesla coils/ plasma guns/ coil guns etc. Just google for tabletop/hand held tesla coil. You will get many results. And believe me...its really fun to make these projects (Be cautious enough though).

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