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Please help me with PCF8591P controll and programming with 8051

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
May 1, 2011
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Hello friends,
Im new to this forum...But Im with a serious problem.
I have the intention of displaying digital byte value, read by the ADC PCF8591P to an output port of 89C51. For that I have done the interfacing

of pcf8591p with the AT898C51 through P1.0 = sda and P1.1=SCL and have done the programming. It is attached with this post in .txt format.
However, i will still explain once:
1. I send a Start condition
2. i send hex value 90h for address with A0=A1=A2=0 and r/w'=0
3. i sense ack frm pcf
4. i send 40h for activating dac
5. i wait for ack
6. i send a dummy write byte 00h to output in dac
7. i wait for ack
8. i send stop
now comes the reading routine
1. i send start
2. i send 91h for r/w'=1 for read
3. i wait for ack
4. i read databyte
5. i send master not-ack for last read
6. i read databyte again since first byte is useless
7. i send ack again from mcu to pcf8591p
8. i move the value in accumulator, read previously from pcf to port 0
9. i send stop

Now the problem is that whenever Im moving the read data, I always get 00H at the port. infact i have checked, pcf always gives to mcu 00hex

value, not the converted value. the dac part is fine. i checked it with other values, its working fine. the entire program is also executing

properly, which i have checked out. Please help me, If i am missing any command in the program, or managing the I2C routines improperly. I have

used Assembly language. I have attached the entire program.


  • main routine.txt
    3.3 KB · Views: 108

To sidy50:

Well I will ofcorse go thru the tutorial given by you, but let me say that this isnt the first I2C interfacing Im doing. I have done interfacing with 24C02 etc. This PCF8591 is just not working. The DAC part is working fine, but the ADC values are always coming at R0 as 00H. I feel there's something im missing in controlling the PCF8591 adressing or command sending codes. Please go thru the attached program in .txt file and comment.

Thanks for your reply

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