Help Me Doubts in Led Matrix C program
I'm trying to built an 10X100 led matrix using Atmega16and 74HC595. Now, I just made a 5X5 matrix to test the codes. I have a code to display letters on display and I have doubts on it. My code works like, it sends binary logic data bit by bit to the shift register and selecting the appropriate row to display the character. Now, it works fine in my 5X5. But my doubt is when I'm implementing this in my 10X100 (there would be 50-70 characters to be displayed with scrolling effect) should I feed all the 1/10th of all the 50-70 characters to the shift register and select the entire row to display the 1/10th of all characters and likewise selecting the rows very fast making all the 50-70 charecters to display at onece? If so how should be the scrolling done? Please help me.