Hi everybody!
I'm really confused when I try to re-simulate the following function in Matlab
Pe(tm)= 1/2pi*∫1/2*erfc(Ao+|Im(tm)|*cos(Φ)/σ*√2/Nc)dΦ
this is a result in paper "Performance analysis of interference problems involving DS-SS WLAN systems and microwave ovens, Matsumoto, Y.; Takeuchi, M.; Fujii, K.; Sugiura, A.; Yamanaka, Y., Page(s): 45- 53 - IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility" (Fig.3)
The author of this paper wrote that Pe(tm) is plotted as a function of Nc*|Im|^2/(2*σ^2) and Nc*Ao^2/(2*σ^2).
Anybody have recommend?
Thanks a lot!