Newbie level 1
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Please look at this MATLAB code and help me to find error.
Please look at this MATLAB code and help me to find error.
Code dot - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 N = 20*10^3; % number of symbols M = 64; % size k = log2(M); % bits/symbol % for 16-QAM Re = [-(2*sqrt(M)/2-1):2:-1 1:2:2*sqrt(M)/2-1]; Im = [-(2*sqrt(M)/2-1):2:-1 1:2:2*sqrt(M)/2-1]; k_QAM = 1/sqrt(10); bdB = 3:1:13; % SNR range sdB = bdB + 10*log10(k); % binary to gray code a = (0:k-1); map = bitxor(a,floor(a/2)); [tt, ind] = sort(map); for i = 1:length(bdB) c = rand(1,N*k,1)>0.5; % random 1's and 0's d = reshape(c,k,N).'; bd = ones(N,1)*(2.^((k/2-1):-1:0)) ; % conversion from binary to decimal % real cRe = d(:,(1:k/2)); e = sum(cRe.*bd,2); f = bitxor(e,floor(e/2)); % imaginary cIm = d(:,(k/2+1:k)); g = sum(cIm.*bd,2); h = bitxor(g,floor(g/2)); % mapping the Gray coded symbols into constellation modRe = Re(f+1); modIm = Im(h+1); % constellation mod = modRe + 1i*modIm; s = k_QAM*mod; % noise n = 1/sqrt(2)*(randn(1,N) + 1i*randn(1,N)); % reciever r = s + 10^(-sdB(i)/20)*n; % demodulation r_re = real(r)/k_QAM; r_im = imag(r)/k_QAM; % rounding off m = 2*floor(r_re/2)+1; m(m>max(Re)) = max(Re); m(m<min(Re)) = min(Re); n= 2*floor(r_im/2)+1; n(n>max(Im)) = max(Im); n(n<min(Im)) = min(Im); % To Decimal conversion oRe = ind(floor((m+8)/4+1))-1; oIm = ind(floor((n+8)/4+1))-1; % To binary string pRe = dec2bin(oRe,k/2); pIm = dec2bin(oIm,k/2); % binary string to number pRe = pRe.'; pRe = pRe(1:end).'; pRe = reshape(str8num(pRe).',k/4,N).' ; pIm = pIm.'; pIm = pIm(1:end).'; pIm = reshape(str8num(pIm).',k/8,N).' ; % counting errors for real and imaginary Err(r) = size(find((cRe - pRe)),1) + size(find((cIm - pIm)),1) ; end sBer = Error/(N*k); tBer = (1/k)*3/2*erfc(sqrt(k*0.05*(10.^(bdB/10)))); % plot figure semilogy(bdB,tBer,'rs-','LineWidth',2); hold on semilogy(bdB,sBer,'kx-','LineWidth',2); grid on legend('theory', 'simulation'); xlabel('SNR dB') ylabel('Bit Error Rate') title('BER VS SNR')
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