i have to design a project for a gold wafer smart card reader, the smart card contains a pic16f84a and a 24c16 eeprom device, i beg please any one to please give me some sample "beginer's" code using a pic or anything that you think is useful to start my project its for the whole year and i must start learning pic programming, because they dont teach that in uni we did the 68000 and intel 80x86.
hi zmanultra,
i think u ought to search this site throughly, as there are more than enough discussions, articles and tips for one to become an expert from a novice.
i learnt a lot from this place and i think i owe a lot to elektroda. Take a look at the search engine and u may find ur project done long ago here....
Goto david tait's page, www.rentronics.com, www.myke.com etc and of course www.google.com( the best search for anything).
hope this helped sam