[SOLVED] Please help identify the part in the picture...thanks

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 2, 2013
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Please see attached photo...anyone please help me identify what is the part colour like brown. Have PCB label "Y1" and part's marking R560. This part got 2 pins connected in series with the AC line (live line) and to the input rectifier (DF06). Please help...thanks.


Looks to me also like NTC...but am confuse why the label is "Y1". Another info I can share is when I measure the incoming AC, I can get 120V...but after this Y1 can measure nothing. So I am thinking that this Y1 might be converting the AC 50Hz into something higher frequency that the meter can't captured. Check the resistance of Y1 is 60ohm...Am not really sure on this. Thanks.

So I am thinking that this Y1 might be converting the AC 50Hz into something higher frequency that the meter can't captured.
That's a really absurd idea. Please excuse when I don't further elaborate on it.

You may want to review some off-mains power supply schematic to realize that NTC current limiter is pretty common. 60 ohms sounds like a reasonable choice.

but after this Y1 can measure nothing
Several options:
- measured incorrectly (for some reason, this seems most likely to me)
- PCB trace broken
- rectifier has a short

Checking circuit continuity and rectifier diodes with a multimeter should clarify the mystery.

Thanks FvM...let me double check tomorrow the pcb again....I'll update you afterwards...thanks.

Hello...just to update on this...yes FvM is correct. There was a trace broken causing the failure. Thanks.

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