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Please help i have disconnected my laptop screen and cant see anything

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Newbie level 1
Dec 29, 2010
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I connected my VGA cable from my laptop to my TV, when i tried to disconnect it to get back my normal screen resolution i accidentally clicked disconnect screen and ever since then my laptop is stuck on a black screen, i cant even see anything on the TV cos i disconnected that to.

I am currently working in safe mode so when i tried a system restore it said i have no restore points, please help me i cant stay in safe mode forever.

I have been trying to get help all last night and today and no one is helping......Im desperate :(

You could try removing the graphics driver while in safe mode. It should default back to a low resolution VGA display which you should see on the LCD. Then reboot back into normal mode and re-install the graphics driver again. When back in normal mode it will probably tell you your screen is not optimal resolution and offer to reinstall the drivers automatically.

Before you try that, just check there isn't a keyboard shortcut to switch monitors, my laptops both have a function key which can be used to switch where the video is sent to.


I would recommend this:
1. Remove the battery from the laptop - the battery is powering some internal chips and even if you power down the computer they could not be reset. Also remove the power cable. Also remove the external VGA cable.
2. Put back batteries and plug the cable back
3. Power on the computer

luben i dont think that will help coz never in that type of lapz
must have to attach external screen first
memory is not on chips ,,that is on hard disc ''''and that is a mess for us ''''

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