Please guide me for my MATLAB content based retrieval project

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Newbie level 1
Jul 29, 2011
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I have heard of the content based image retrieval project. I want to know if a similar project for audio files would be feasible in MATLAB

What i have in mind is a database of audio files. I would then record a voice clip of a portion of one of the files. Can I develop a project which can recognise the file from the database.

I have come up with this idea for my grad project. Im explaining it in very layman terms cause I have no idea about matlab and am completely new to it.

Please help...Im in a real fix!

if you go deeper, you can build this project. am describing the idea which i got from your post here. as per standards, frequency of each persons speech signal will be different. you can follow the steps given below:

1) collect some audio signals.
2) take the sample audio signal which is to be compared
3) compare the FFT of the two signals
4) depending on the requirement, define some error level. if any signal in he database matches the sample audio within the error range, you can say that the sample audio is one among the audio signals in the database.
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