please come out with mistakes

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Junior Member level 3
Sep 30, 2008
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i am new to the PCB design

i have done the PCB with single layer
please go through the design and tell me the mistakes i have done in the design

find the attachment

Might hve been better posting it here.

However looking at it I would say you have a problem with your +v/0v - look at them and think of how large a loop the return currents will have to travel.

What is going on with the + track that goes into R11?
thanks for your replies

what are the basic rules are to be followed while routing

- - - Updated - - -

Sir my Schematic diagram is attached


  • SCHEMATIC1 _ Page - 01 ADC.pdf
    48.6 KB · Views: 172

firstly this is a good achievement .
nobody can make ideal design at first time.
firstly your schematic and pcb layout should match properly. if you win this task then your learning process will be very fast.

in this design component spacing and track width is very small.
when this design will appear in hard form then you will feel many things that you can do better then previous design .
but this feeling can achieve by making pcb not just designing in computer.
so go through this complete process and you will learn by your feedback.
As you are a new bee to PCB design, the Job work you done is Good, but with much smaller corrections it would be look like it was done a professiona designer.
In this design you have not considered the
1.Tear drops while bringing the tracks from PADS,Tear drop will give strength to tracks when components are desoldered, and have not utilised the space effectively, means some area you left as unused, tracking density is not equal.

To become a profesional designer you should practise all these.
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